Weekly Round-up from @valeofinancial
June 24, 2011    Disclosures    POSTED IN  EconomyMarkets

This week from the @valeofinancial Twitter feed


  • How rare is a negative 10 year average annual equity return? U.S. Equity Performance since 1871. Valeo


  • U.S., other nations to release 60 million barrels of oil to offset disruption in oil supply caused by Mideast unrest New York Times
  • Initial claims for unemployment rise to 429,000 from 420,000 St. Louis Federal Reserve
  • U.S. Economy Grew 1.9% in First Quarter, Above Prior Estimate of 1.8% Bloomberg

Housing Market

  • How to Tell if Your Housing Market Has Hit Bottom Yahoo! Finance
  • Endless Bummer: 31% of existing home sales in May were distressed — exactly the same as May of 2010 Planet Money
  • ‘Shadow Inventory’ Shrinks as Foreclosed Homes Sell Bloomberg

Federal Reserve

  • Next Jackson Hole in August will likely hint at QE3 / interest rate caps – from PIMCO
  • Chart: The Fed’s serially disappointing economic forecasts The Economist
  • Fed to Maintain Stimulus After Ending Treasury Purchases Bloomberg


  • Is this Europe’s ‘Lehman Moment’? Not according to the TED spread Planet Money
  • Greece: Papandreou cabinet faces confidence vote, 1st of 3 tests Greek gov’t must pass to avert debt default Reuters
  • Greek Government Survives Confidence Vote – from New York Times


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