Weekly Recap from @valeofinancial (8-5-11)
August 5, 2011    Disclosures    POSTED IN  EconomyMarkets

This week from the @valeofinancial Twitter feed 

U.S. Economy

  • July Unemployment Rate Down, but Less People Employed or Looking For Work Valeo Financial Advisors
  • Still down 6.8 million jobs. The jobs picture for health care, gov’t, manufacturing & others in 1 graph Planet Money
  • In July, manufacturing activity slowed way down, almost back to contraction: Economist
  • U.S. Mortgage Rates Fall to 8-Month Low Bloomberg

U.S. Consumer

  • U.S. Consumer Credit Jumps by Most in 4 Years Bloomberg
  • Consumer Spending Down For First Time In Nearly 2 Years NPR

U.S. Markets

Debt Ceiling Deal

  • Our financial-markets columnists’ “Tuesday morning quarterbacking” on what the debt-ceiling deal means Economist
  • President Obama signs the debt ceiling bill into law. CNN

Around the Globe

  • Everything you need to know about all the different European debt crises in one post: Washington Post
  • Daily chart: Explore the world’s debt with our interactive guide Economist
  • The ECB realizes inflation may not be Europe’s biggest worry just now Economist
  • < 1 year ago the 30 year Italian bond traded w/ ~4.6% yield. Today the 2 year Italian note is nearing 4.6% Chart: Bloomberg
  • Worries Rise Over Spain and Italy Debt The New York Times
  • Currency interventions: Japan Follows Swiss in Bid to Damp Currency Bloomberg


  • Daily chart: Which states benefit most (and least) from America’s federal fiscal union? Economist
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