The Week in Review from Valeo Financial Advisors (May 24, 2013)
May 24, 2013    Disclosures    POSTED IN  InvestmentsEconomy

Business Law

  • Changes to Indiana Business Flexibility Act Likely to Impact LLCs Significantly. Guest post by Bose McKinney and Evans, LLP. Valeo Financial Advisors

Around the World

  • A global map that shows the location of publicly traded stocks. The “Atlas of Public Stocks”
  • Follow the flow of private and public debt in nearly 50 countries since 1990. The Wall Street Journal
  • China manufacturing swings to contraction MarketWatch
  • Best, worst, greatest, smallest, etc of various economic, business, personal finance & other topics Bloomberg

U.S. Housing

  • Median sales price for new home in U.S. in April was $271,600, a record high Chart: FRED
  • Household credit improves; what’s the role of house price changes? St. Louis Federal Reserve
  • U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman, Ben Bernanke, discusses the future of the current easy monetary policy CNBC
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