The Week in Review from Valeo Financial Advisors (March 1, 2013)
March 1, 2013    Disclosures    POSTED IN  InvestmentsEconomy


  • Year by year look at single family home builders view of the market Valeo Financial Advisors
  • Older families emerged from the housing boom and bust with the largest net increase in mortgage debt St. Louis Fed


  • What’s the difference between investing and speculation? Howard Marks, CFA responds: CFA Institute

U.S. Economy

  • Manufacturing in U.S. at highest level since mid-2011 Bloomberg Percentage of all U.S. workers employed in manufacturing sector Chart: FRED
  • Compare U.S. recoveries and recessions. Charts include this week’s update to Q4 2012 GDP. Minneapolis Fed
  • U.S. consumer confidence index rebounds to 69.6, topping expectations. Moody’s


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