The Week in Review from Valeo Financial Advisors (February 20, 2015)
February 20, 2015    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Markets

U.S. Economy

  • U.S. housing starts fell in January, down from a six and a half year high Reuters
  • Industrial production rose in January after falling in December USA Today
  • Business inflation, as measured by the producer price index, declined in January for the first time in five years The Wall Street Journal
  • Initial jobless claims once again fell back below 300,000 Los Angeles Times

Around the World

  • The finance ministers of the Eurogroup reached an agreement with Greece to release additional aid to the nation The Economist
  • After two consecutive quarters of contraction, the Japanese economy leaves recession CNBC

Personal Finance

  • Data breach notification letters and what you should do Identity Theft Resource Center
  • Five tools to help simplify and save U.S. News & World Report


  • Here’s what the $294 trillion market of global financial assets looks like Business Insider
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