The Week in Review from Valeo Financial Advisors (9-30-11)
September 30, 2011    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Markets

Wall Street

  • Bank of America To Charge $5 Monthly Fee For Debit Card Usage Wall Street Journal
  • Liar’s Poker (Michael Lewis) to be developed into movie – Wall Street in the ’80s & true origin of ’00s mortgage crisis Hollywood Reporter

Main Street

  • Interactive: Fortune 500 companies from 1955 to 2010 Fathom
  • Consumer confidence is currently lower than it was during the second half of 2009 and 2010. Chart. The Atlantic


  • Mortgage rates hit new record lows (again): 30-year 4.01%, 15-year 3.28%. Both with average 0.7 point. Freddie Mac
  • OCC: Seriously delinquent mortgages up for first time since 2009 Housing Wire
  • Rents and housing prices have come back into line, after a period in which housing prices were grossly inflated. Calafia Beach Pundit
  • Home builder Paul Estridge Jr. files for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. IBJ

Financial Planning

  • Some states’ 529 plans offer better tax breaks and other savings. Morningstar


  • An Examination of U.S. Dollar Declines from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York
  • Florida’s Dirt Bond Holders Fight for Standing in Bankruptcy Pecking Order Bloomberg
  • You think it’s volatile here? Look at Germany. Bespoke


  • How much your state’s population grew (or shrank) in the last decade. NPR


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