Output Metrics Are Positive, CPI Climbs Over 2.0% and the ECB Leaves Policy Unchanged in the Weekly Market Update by Valeo Financial Advisors (January 21, 2017)
January 21, 2017    Disclosures    POSTED IN  InvestmentsEconomyMarkets

Output metrics announced were favorable for the month of December with industrial production rising at its highest level in two years and growth seen in capacity utilization.

The consumer price index, a broad measure of inflation in the economy, climbed over the 2.0% mark for the first time in two and half years.  The December CPI year over year increase was 2.1% on all goods and services; this increase is very near the Federal Reserve target of 2.0% and supports the monetary policy decision made a month prior.

The European Central Bank announced continued accommodative monetary policy in the Eurozone on Thursday remaining steady in both interest rates and its bond buying program.

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