January Jobs Report Figures and Global Central Bank Meetings in the Weekly Market Update by Valeo Financial Advisors (February 4, 2017)
February 4, 2017    Disclosures    POSTED IN  InvestmentsEconomyMarkets

The Labor Department released the January 2017 jobs report on Friday with key metrics including unemployment and nonfarm payrolls, a statistic intended to represent the number of paid U.S. employees. The unemployment rate rose 0.1% in January but remains below the natural unemployment level of 5.0% and nonfarm payrolls added more than expected.

Central banks across the globe took to meetings this week, starting with the Bank of Japan concluding Tuesday, the Federal Reserve concluding Wednesday and the Bank of England concluding Thursday.  Each group held policy rates steady; however, the Bank of England revised both longer term growth expectations and short term inflation higher.

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