Inflation: Transportation and Education Lead the Way Since the End of the Recession Four Years Ago
October 4, 2013    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Economy

Economists and market participants generally speak about inflation in terms of the aggregate change in prices. Day to day, however, individuals see inflation in much greater detail. The change in the price of gasoline when filling up the car, shopping at the grocery store, and other costs do not go unnoticed.

The chart below breaks up goods and services into broad categories that give a bit more insight than a headline inflation figure does.

Since the end of the recession in June of 2009 the price of transportation and education have risen the most, both up nearly 20%. Healthcare costs have also steadily risen. On the other end of spectrum communication costs have stayed fairly steady over the past four year, while recreation and household equipment have both decreased in price (overall).

In just over four years prices rose close to 10%, close to, but slightly less than, the long term average in the United States.

Inflation since end of recession by major category group

Data Source: Eurostat 
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