Economic Data is Favorable on the back of FOMC Rate Decision in the Weekly Market Update by Valeo Financial Advisors (May 6, 2017)
May 6, 2017    Disclosures    POSTED IN  InvestmentsEconomyMarkets

The April job’s report rallied optimism following last week’s GDP disappointment.  Nonfarm payroll additions were ahead of expectation and the unemployment rate declined -0.1%.

The Federal Open Market Committee concluded its two-policy meeting this week leaving the target Fed Funds Rate unchanged.  It still plans on two further rate hikes in 2017.

The French Presidential election kicks off Sunday the 7th with Marine Le Pen, the front national, and Emmanuel Macron, the independent, the two candidates heading off.

West Texas Intermediate oil fell 6.3% this week alone and in addition, iron ore futures fell the same amount resulting in another rough period for broad commodity investments.

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