Daily Three: Jobless Claims Streak Continues, The Widening Consumer Credit Gap and Volatility in Currencies
April 8, 2016    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Personal Finance
  • Initial jobless claims fell from 276,000 to 267,000 last week.  This extended the streak of claims under 300,000 to 57 consecutive weeks, the longest since 1973. CNBC
  • Volatility in the major nation currency markets rose to the nearly the highest level since 2011. Bloomberg
  • Consumer credit grew at an annual pace of 5.8% in March. Non-revolving credit, which includes student debt and auto loans continues to grow at a quicker pace than revolving credit, which includes credit cards. Since the recession ended June 2009, growth in non-revolving credit has outpaced revolving credit by a wide margin.

Consumer credit since the end of the recession

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