Daily Three: Food at Home, Health Care and Initial Claims for Unemployment Insurance
March 25, 2016    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Personal Finance
  • Health care continues to be a larger portion of the U.S. economy. During the final quarter of 2015 American spending on healthcare represented 11.5% of the total goods and services produced in the country (GDP). Health care spending only accounted for only 2.8% of GDP in 1959.
  • Food and beverage for off-site consumption, for example groceries, continues to be a smaller part of the U.S economy. At the end of 2015 this segment represented only 5.0% of total goods and services produced in the U.S. (GDP). In 1959 this figure stood at 12.0%

PCE food and beverage off site and healthcare both to GDP

  • At 0.18%, the number of individuals filing an initial claim for unemployment insurance benefits relative to the total payrolls in America is the lowest since at least 1967. In March 2009 this figure reached a local high of 0.50%.

Initial claims to total nonfarm payrolls

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