The Week in Review from Valeo Financial Advisors (March 21, 2014)
March 22, 2014    Disclosures    POSTED IN  Markets

March Tournament

  • Eight non-profits still competing in the Indianapolis Brackets for Good competition. Brackets for Good

U.S. News

  • The Federal Reserve said it would no longer target an unemployment rate of 6.5% for policy making. The current unemployment rate stands at 6.7%. Los Angeles Times
  • Industrial production in the United States increased in February after decreasing in January. Capacity utilization rose to 78.8%. CNBC
  • Building permits in February unexpectedly rose. The Wall Street Journal
  • Fitch ratings agency removed the negative credit watch it had placed on the United States and affirmed a AAA rating of U.S. government debt. Bloomberg

World News

  • Greece agreed on terms with international lenders to a new set of loans as part of a rescue package. Greece’s economy is expected to grow this year after seven years of contraction. The New York Times
  • EU leaders contemplate Russia sanctions MarketWatch

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